low code

Agora UI Kits

Get to market faster with customizable UI frameworks for real-time video calling, interactive live streaming, and chat.

Video UI Kit

UI components showcasing a video call interface with layout options and code snippets for integration.
Dynamic layout icon

Dynamic layouts

Choose between a video grid or floating layout with active speaker view. 
Token request handling  icon

Token request handling

Agora keeps your video call secure by authenticating and refreshing users’ tokens. 
Group Add icon

Host controls

Hosts can ask users to mute/unmute their microphone and enable/disable their camera. 

Chat UI Kit

A hand holding a smartphone displaying a text message conversation.
Messaging management icon

Message management

Manage message components and actions like editing, deleting, replying, recalling, translating, and forwarding messages.  
Conversation management iocn

Conversation management

Manage conversation view and elements including the conversation icon, display name, most recent messages, unread message counts, and more. 
Call kits icon

Call kits

Effortlessly integrate video and audio calling with our sample code and UI templates, allowing users to initiate calls from a chat conversation, invite  members to join the call, and mute/unmute end users.  

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