Use Cases

Agora powers the real-time internet with a global network infrastructure and flexible developer tools.

Conversational AI
Create AI-powered real-time voice, video, and chat experiences.
Make learning more accessible everywhere with virtual classrooms.
Future of Work
Connect professionals worldwide for more productive collaboration and networking.
Increase in-game session time, stickiness and gamer retention.
Media and Entertainment
Make media social—without sending your audience to social media.
Bridge the gap between limitless virtual and physical worlds.
Live Shopping
Reimagine eCommerce with live shopping to increase relatability, excitement, and revenue.
Drive conversations and create community by embedding real-time voice, video, messaging, and chat into your social app.
Live Audio Streaming
Connect people worldwide to talk, share ideas and collaborate through interactive live audio streaming
Enable remote consultation, care, and coaching experiences with flexible video, voice, and chat solutions.

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