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Top Three Challenges Facing the Future of Work

Top Three Challenges Facing the Future of Work

The world of work is changing faster than ever. As external events outside our control challenge traditional notions of an in-office workforce – disruption has become the norm.

For many people, work is no longer a place; it’s a time and engagement. At the start of each day, remote workers log on to their computer and begin virtually collaborating with teammates, vendors, or customers. Location is irrelevant.

Remote work gives control over work/life balance and modern workers value the freedom and flexibility that comes with that.

Recent surveys show that over half of employees (55%) would prefer to work remotely at least three days a week. So how are organizations adapting to these new expectations? To manage remote work successfully, companies need to navigate three main challenges:

  • Employee engagement
  • Resistance to change
  • Humanizing virtual work

Employee Engagement

Some people enjoy being in the office full-time, while others prefer the flexibility of hybrid work models. Individuals have re-evaluated their work choices and, in many instances, have made a change. A good salary is not enough to make most people interested in a new job; however, offer them a home-based or hybrid work contract, and they will be more likely to consider the opportunity.

How do you keep your employees motivated and engaged in these different work environments? Communication is critical, and access to easy-to-use collaboration tools will facilitate virtual work.

Platforms like Agora help provide shared context through an immersive in-app experience where people interact with each other in a digital environment. RTE (Real Time Engagement) brings an inclusive environment to hybrid meetings and team collaboration while creating a shared space. This keeps employees present and engaged with their teammates. Engaged employees are more likely to stay in an organization and help it grow.

Resistance to Change

In a volatile market, organizations must drive innovation to remain competitive. With innovation comes change for employees and how to perform their jobs.

Change is unsettling for most people, and introducing new technology creates natural resistance. Change management tools like the Proscii ADKAR methodology can help remove the fear of new tools or applications.

Companies must ensure that employees have access to collaboration tools that make virtual meetings easy to set up, join, and engage. Otherwise, employees will not communicate effectively and will start to find other tools to use. This creates a disjointed experience and can even be a security risk (shadow IT).

Humanizing Virtual Work

Virtual interactions must be as natural and lifelike as possible. The more realistic the experience, the more likely people will continue to communicate and get things done. Audio needs to be clear, and video needs to be sharp and lag-free.

Future of work

Virtual interactions must be as natural and lifelike as possible. The more realistic the experience, the more likely people will continue to communicate and get things done. Audio needs to be clear, and video needs to be sharp and lag-free.

The Future of Work with Agora

Agora has the most comprehensive platform to support a human-centric remote workforce. Our unique platform allows everyone to interact with anyone, anytime, and anywhere. We supply world-class infrastructure for connecting the metaverse, virtual and physical worlds.

Future-proof your workforce collaboration tools to build for the world of tomorrow.

The future of work is collaborative, engaging, and accessible. 

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